Happy New Year everyone!
Lindsey and I spent our New Years Eve long weekend in Golden, B.C skiing and snowboarding at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort with friends Chrissy, Mitch, Jenelle and Patrick.
For Christmas Lindsey spoiled me with a new snowboard, bindings and boots. It's my first snowboard, and the weekend was my second time ever on a board. I hooked myself up with a private lesson the first morning out which gave me a foundation to work from, and as you'll see in one of the photos below I'm still working on that foundation!
Aside from the slopes, we spent a large portion of our time whining about being sore. Most of it coming from me as I spent another chunk of my time on my caboose. Golden is a small dingy logging and railroad town, and didn't provide much entertainment other than hanging out at a pub or watching television at the Motel.
On New Years Eve, Lindsey, Jenelle, Patrick and I had an amazing dinner at the Cedar House Restaurant. The joint was a gorgeous little establishment nestled up on the mountain side, keeping a safe distance from the town of Golden so as not to tarnish it's apparently world renowned reputation. I dined on duck and tiramasu. Lindsey had cod and creme brulee. Jenelle a vegetarian curry vegetable dish, and Patrick had chicken splendid/supreme.
Most of the photos below come courtesy of Lindsey. She held on to the camera most of the trip because I was too afraid of falling on the camera and destroying it.

A nifty photo Linds grabbed through the front window on our way out of golden Tuesday morning.
Lindsey and Jenelle posing with the bleeding horse that the owner didn't seem to give a damn about.
Me, posing with the horse that wasn't bleeding.
Lindsey and I with the mountains behind us.
Me, feeling dejected and defeated again after my umpteeth fall in a row.
Another nifty view of our surroundings. I think Linds took this at the top of the gondola ride.
Jenelle and Pat - good shot Linds!
Lindsey took this one during a run with Patrick. I guess this run wasn't for the faint of heart. The little speck at the top is Patrick inching his way down.
Lindsey being a nut!
Patrick and I at the day lodge.
Patrick and Jenelle on the gondola.
Chrissy and Mitch back at our motel room.
1 comment:
You guys are awesome!! Great shots, Lindsey! I really miss you Erik! I hope you can visit again soon (or in a year or two we can get up to visit you guys) I am so happy you guys had a very cool and happy new years. Here's to 2008 (me, doing a shot of tequila, to you..heh)
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