Sunday, October 28, 2007

Around the house...

So, i've basically been spending every waking minute editing my last bunch of weddings and engagement shoots from the year for the last bunch of weeks. I can't believe how far behind a simple move put me - it sucks and I feel terrible. I had to take a break from wedding photos, so I grabbed my camera and took a few snapshots around the yard of the new house. I didn't get a lot because it was so cold, and because I hadn't showered or combed my hair today I didn't want the neighbors thinking Yeti moved into the neighborhood. Here's a few of the shots below. I really love the contrast between the textures and colors. I love our old house (although Bob Villa would be nice to have on speed dial), I love the personality, character and charm our old house has - something I miss amongst the new houses these days.

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